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Advisory reports

VARIO's main activity is to publish advisory reports to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament on science, technology, innovation, industry, and entrepreneurship policies. The advisory reports are either in response to a request from the Flemish Government or drafted on the VARIO members' own initiative. You will find all VARIO advisory reports and other reports on this page.

On our Dutch website there is also an archive, with the advisory reports and other publications from VARIO's predecessors, the VRWI (2010-2016) and the VRWB (1985-2009).



62 results found. 62 results on page 2 of 7.

Letter opinion: Draft 2nd National Action Plan 'Business and Human Rights'

23 October 2023
VARIO was asked by federal ministers Zakia Khattabi and Hadja Lahbib to provide advice on the draft 2nd National Action Plan 'Business and…

Advisory report 32: EU draft re­gu­la­ti­on - New gene editing tech­ni­ques

4 October 2023
An adjustment of GMO regulation is urgently needed, according to VARIO. The council therefore welcomes any improvement to the current…

Advisory report 31: Optimal weighing on and res­pon­ding to EU research, in­no­va­ti­on and in­du­stri­al policy

27 September 2023
In this report, VARIO wants to indicate how Flanders can best respond to European policy to get the most benefits from it. Moreover, how…

VARIO annual report 2022

15 May 2023
Report on VARIO's activities in 2022.

Advisory report 30: Streng­the­ning Flanders' tech­no­lo­gy position with regard to patents

24 April 2023
With this new advisory report, VARIO answers a question from the Minister of Innovation in response to an earlier VARIO advisory report on…

Advisory report 29: In­du­stri­al Energy and Climate Tran­si­ti­on program - Program note

29 March 2023
VARIO supports the 'climate leap' and formulates recommendations to strengthen the transition program

Expert report In­du­stri­al Internet of Things (IIoT) in the context of IPCEI

26 September 2022
In the context of its advice on IPCEI - Important Projects of Common European Intrest - VARIO commissioned expert reports on four strategic…

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