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Advisory reports

VARIO's main activity is to publish advisory reports to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament on science, technology, innovation, industry, and entrepreneurship policies. The advisory reports are either in response to a request from the Flemish Government or drafted on the VARIO members' own initiative. You will find all VARIO advisory reports and other reports on this page.

On our Dutch website there is also an archive, with the advisory reports and other publications from VARIO's predecessors, the VRWI (2010-2016) and the VRWB (1985-2009).



62 results found. 62 results on page 4 of 7.

Advisory report 24: Mo­ni­to­ring of the VARIO key in­di­ca­tors

22 November 2021
VARIO now has done the first monitoring exercise for this set of 20 key indicators. How does Flanders perform among a selection of top…

Advisory report 23: STEM Agenda 2030

22 October 2021
VARIO welcomes the STEM Agenda 2030, but at the same time sounds the alarm and wants to raise the bar

Advisory report 22: Strategic ex­plo­ra­ti­on study on IPCEI Part II: Assesment framework to respond to future op­por­tu­ni­ties regarding IPCEI

15 October 2021
Early 2020, VARIO was requested by Flemish Minister of Economy and Innovation Hilde Crevits “to perform a strategic exploration and…

Advisory report 21: Draft concept fourth Flemish Strategy for Sustai­na­ble De­vel­op­ment

2 October 2021
At the request of Minister-President Jan Jambon, VARIO formulated an advice with regard to the fourth Flemish Strategy for Sustainable…

Advisory report 20: ‘The Sustai­na­ble De­vel­op­ment Goals – Op­por­tu­ni­ties for Flemish companies’

1 October 2021
This is a follow-up report to VARIO-Advisory Report 17 ‘The Sustainable Development Goals as a compass for science, innovation and…

Advisory report 19: Amendment S&I decree: policy framework for the Flemish in­du­stri­al climate tran­si­ti­on program

16 September 2021
Vice minister-president Hilde Crevits asked VARIO for advice on the preliminary draft decree amending the decree of 30 April 2009 on the…

Advisory report 18: Amending decision on strategic Trans­for­ma­ti­on Aid

1 July 2021
Deputy Minister-President of the Government of Flanders Crevits asked VARIO for advice regarding the regulatory change on Strategic…

VARIO annual report 2020

15 May 2021
Report on VARIO's activities in 2020.

Advisory report 17: The Sustai­na­ble De­vel­op­ment Goals as a compass for science, in­no­va­ti­on and en­tre­pre­neur­ship policy

1 February 2021
In 2021, VARIO worked around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. With this first advice, VARIO wants to draw…

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