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Advisory reports

VARIO's main activity is to publish advisory reports to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament on science, technology, innovation, industry, and entrepreneurship policies. The advisory reports are either in response to a request from the Flemish Government or drafted on the VARIO members' own initiative. You will find all VARIO advisory reports and other reports on this page.

On our Dutch website there is also an archive, with the advisory reports and other publications from VARIO's predecessors, the VRWI (2010-2016) and the VRWB (1985-2009).



62 results found. 62 results on page 5 of 7.

Advisory report 16: Involving citizens in science and in­no­va­ti­on policy

1 November 2020
VARIO was asked by the Flemish Minister of Innovation, Hilde Crevits, for a starting note with possible scenarios for involving citizens,…

Letter opinion: pre­li­mi­na­ry draft programme decree BO2021

19 October 2020
In this letter opinion, VARIO expresses a positive opinion on the second step in the growth path of the credit weights of the professional…

Advisory report 15: Concept note on edu­ca­ti­o­nal load units of uni­ver­si­ty colleges

27 August 2020
On July 13, VARIO received a request for advice from Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts on the concept note "Educational load units of…

Advisory report 14: Towards the top of knowledge and in­no­va­ti­on regions in 2030

21 July 2020
Advisory report 14 is part of a tripartite advisory report and formulates a strategy to join the top of innovation regions by 2030

Advisory report 13: A quality set of in­di­ca­tors for science and in­no­va­ti­on

20 July 2020
At the request of Minister-President of the Flemish government Jan Jambon and Flemish Minister for Economy and Innovation Hilde Crevits,…

Advisory report 12: Strategic ex­plo­ra­ti­on of Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI). Part I: hydrogen

20 July 2020
Early 2020, VARIO was asked by Flemish Minister of Economy and Innovation Hilde Crevits "to carry out a strategic exploration and analysis…

Advisory report 11: The learning society

1 July 2020
On 7 July 2020 VARIO delivered its advisory report 11 'The Learning Society' to Vice minister-president of the Flemish Government Hilde…

Study: The economic effects of in­ter­na­ti­o­na­li­za­ti­on in higher education

1 July 2020
Study by KU Leuven on behalf of the Flemish Advisory Council for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VARIO) and the "Flemish Universities and…

VARIO annual report 2019

15 May 2020
Report on VARIO's activities in 2019.

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