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Advisory reports

VARIO's main activity is to publish advisory reports to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament on science, technology, innovation, industry, and entrepreneurship policies. The advisory reports are either in response to a request from the Flemish Government or drafted on the VARIO members' own initiative. You will find all VARIO advisory reports and other reports on this page.

On our Dutch website there is also an archive, with the advisory reports and other publications from VARIO's predecessors, the VRWI (2010-2016) and the VRWB (1985-2009).



62 results found. 62 results on page 7 of 7.

Advisory report 6: Value creation through coo­p­e­ra­ti­on

26 March 2019
In a knowledge economy, the development of scientific knowledge and technology is the direct source of innovation. Cooperation between…

Me­mo­ran­dum 2019-2024: Forging ahead. Aim: Top 5 knowledge regions.

17 December 2018
Memorandum for our policy makers in the run-up to the Flemish elections.

Advisory report 5: Flemish Policy Agenda Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gen­ce

1 December 2018
Report, at the own initiative of VARIO, to Flemish Minister of Innovation Philippe Muyters on the 'Flemish Policy Agenda on Artificial…

Advisory report 4: In­no­va­ti­ve high growth firms with impact

1 November 2018
VARIO proposes a global, integrated strategy to increase the number of successful innovative high-growth companies in Flanders

VARIO annual report 2017

15 May 2018
Report on VARIO's activities in 2017.

Advisory report 3: Govern­ment support for dual use and military R&D&I

18 April 2018
On the 6th of February 2018, the Flemish Advisory Council for Innovation & Enterprise received a request for advice from Mr. Philippe…

Advisory report 2: Flanders' Space: a strategy for the Flemish Space Economy

15 February 2018
VARIO formulated this advisory report in response to Flemish minister Philippe Muyters' request to develop a long-term strategic vision for…

Advisory report 1: At­trac­ting and retaining in­ter­na­ti­o­nal top talent

1 November 2017
VARIO proposes 20 recommendations to increase Flanders' attractiveness to top international talent

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