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Advisory reports

VARIO's main activity is to publish advisory reports to the Flemish Government and the Flemish Parliament on science, technology, innovation, industry, and entrepreneurship policies. The advisory reports are either in response to a request from the Flemish Government or drafted on the VARIO members' own initiative. You will find all VARIO advisory reports and other reports on this page.

On our Dutch website there is also an archive, with the advisory reports and other publications from VARIO's predecessors, the VRWI (2010-2016) and the VRWB (1985-2009).



62 results found. 62 results on page 1 of 7.

Joint Statement on 'The Im­por­tan­ce of European and national policies to attract non-European STEM-talent to Europe'

29 May 2024
Joint statement by the European Science and Innovation Policy Councils

Advisory report 36: ‘The future of Flemish cluster policy – Green Paper’

6 May 2024

VARIO states that spearhead clusters are a driver for economic valorization and for addressing societal challenges through R&D&I, and calls for them to be used more explicitly within transformative innovation policy.

Advisory Report 35: Trans­for­ma­ti­ve In­no­va­ti­on Policy: A gover­nan­ce framework for Flanders

16 April 2024
VARIO developed a participatory governance framework with 8 recommendations

Advisory letter on the EU draft re­gu­la­ti­on on new genomic tech­ni­ques

7 February 2024
In the context of the Belgian EU Presidency, VARIO would like to once again draw the attention to its advisory report 32: 'EU draft…

Advisory report 34: Towards an ambitious European in­du­stri­al policy

23 January 2024
VARIO largely agrees with the concept note ‘Towards an ambitious European industrial policy’, which is very much in line with previous…

VARIO-me­mo­ran­dum 2024-2029: Greater impact through ex­cel­len­ce in in­no­va­ti­on and en­tre­pre­neur­ship

14 December 2023
Memorandum for Flemish policymakers ahead of the June 2024 Flemish elections.

Scenario Thinking: Future views for 2033

14 December 2023
What does the future look like? We can't know for sure, but we can nonetheless think about it. That's what VARIO has done in a scenario…

Report: Trans­for­ma­ti­ve in­no­va­ti­on policy: a joint country review by VARIO and AWTI

14 December 2023
Lessons from Sweden, Switzerland and Austria

Advisory report 33: Amend­ments to the In­du­stri­al Research Fund and Interface Ac­ti­vi­ties Decree

7 November 2023
VARIO interprets the conclusions of the 5-yearly evaluation of the Industrial Research Funds and the interface activities of the…

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