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Annelies Wastyn

Annelies Wastyn has been working as senior policy advisor at VARIO since January 2018.

Annelies obtained a doctorate in the Applied Economic Sciences (KU Leuven, department MSI) in 2012. Her doctorate dealt with the topics of knowledge management and technology policy. During her doctoral studies she worked for two years as a junior researcher at the R&D Monitoring Expertise Centre (ECOOM).

After obtaining her doctorate she built up experience with policy-relevant research as a (senior) consultant (2012-2017). She has experience in various fields including career paths and mobility of researchers, global R&D&I value chains, the Flemish science and innovation policy and support instruments....

Advices and reports

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Advisory letter on the EU draft re­gu­la­ti­on on new genomic tech­ni­ques

7 February 2024
In the context of the Belgian EU Presidency, VARIO would like to once again draw the attention to its advisory report 32: 'EU draft…

Advisory report 34: Towards an ambitious European in­du­stri­al policy

23 January 2024
VARIO largely agrees with the concept note ‘Towards an ambitious European industrial policy’, which is very much in line with previous…

Advisory report 29: In­du­stri­al Energy and Climate Tran­si­ti­on program - Program note

29 March 2023
VARIO supports the 'climate leap' and formulates recommendations to strengthen the transition program