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Elie Ratinckx

Elie has an interdisciplinary background and experience both in academic (KU Leuven, Københavns Universitet, Universiteit Gent, RWTH Aachen) and policy research (VARIO, VRWI & VRWB).

Elie has extensive policy experience, among others on talent (STEM, careers of researchers, ambitious entrepreneurs…), technology and societal foresight, policy-relevant research and methodological-technical aspects of policy advice.

Advices and reports

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Advisory Report 35: Trans­for­ma­ti­ve In­no­va­ti­on Policy: A gover­nan­ce framework for Flanders

16 April 2024
VARIO developed a participatory governance framework with 8 recommendations

Report: Trans­for­ma­ti­ve in­no­va­ti­on policy: a joint country review by VARIO and AWTI

14 December 2023
Lessons from Sweden, Switzerland and Austria

Advisory report 28: Foreign private in­vest­ment in R&D and knowledge-intensive pro­duc­ti­on

23 August 2022
Perpetuating and strengthening foreign knowledge-intensive investments