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Veerle Linseele

Veerle Linseele started at VARIO in June 2018. Until then she was scientific researcher in archeology (FWO postdoc) at KU Leuven and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. She was part of several interdisciplinary and international teams, and worked for 6 months in Munich (LMU, Germany) with an A. von Humboldt scholarship for experienced researchers. Veerle was also part-time (senior) lecturer at Ghent University (2010-2018). She made the switch to VARIO because of a growing interest in (research) policy and a desire to more actively contribute to a better Flanders.

Advices and reports

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Joint Statement on 'The Im­por­tan­ce of European and national policies to attract non-European STEM-talent to Europe'

29 May 2024
Joint statement by the European Science and Innovation Policy Councils

Letter opinion: Draft 2nd National Action Plan 'Business and Human Rights'

23 October 2023
VARIO was asked by federal ministers Zakia Khattabi and Hadja Lahbib to provide advice on the draft 2nd National Action Plan 'Business and…

Advisory report 31: Optimal weighing on and res­pon­ding to EU research, in­no­va­ti­on and in­du­stri­al policy

27 September 2023
In this report, VARIO wants to indicate how Flanders can best respond to European policy to get the most benefits from it. Moreover, how…